“It is not possible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature.” - Pete Scazzero
To be human is to be emotional. Experience emotions - such as anger, sadness, loneliness, jealousy, and joy - is a large part of the human experience. But as followers of Jesus, what are we supposed to do with our emotions?
Do we suppress the bad emotions and work to only experience joy or nothing at all?
Do we let our emotions rule us and dictate our behavior, our actions, and our circumstances
Are emotions a sin we repent of, a feeling we ignore, or a reality we embrace?
How does our discipleship to Jesus affect our emotional life and well-being?
This series takes 11 weeks to explore the world of our emotions as Christians. We will begin by looking at the essential journey all of us must take towards emotional health and maturity, and then we will spend the last few weeks looking at specific emotions through the language of the Psalms.
Week 1 - “Emotional Health?”
Week 2 - Go Up to Go Forward
Week 3 - Go In to Go Forward
Week 4 - Go Back to Go Forward
Week 5 - Go Out to Go Forward
Week 6 - Fear + Anxiety
Week 7 - Jealousy + Envy
Week 8 - Anger
Week 9 - Shame
Week 10 - Loneliness
Week 11 - Slow Down to Go Forward
Series Initiatives:
In conjunction with the Emotionally Healthy Church sermon series, there are a number of discipleship initiatives to help our church grow into emotionally mature followers of Jesus.
Redemption is a 7-week program designed to help people achieve freedom and healing from issues that seem unbeatable in their lives. It is for anyone facing a battle in their life—personal sin struggles, dealing with emotional scars, or any other issue.
Our focus is on the gospel leading us to repentance and healing, so it is applicable to any area of life, no matter how seemingly big or small.
We want this to be a safe, family environment where you can come and deal honestly and openly with your struggles, and let Jesus begin to heal and free you in the midst of biblical family.
Please plan to be there for the duration of the program, as much of it is based around a small group format.
Each night will have worship, teaching, and structured discussion.
We will be hosting several book clubs during the summer on various books that speak right to the heart of emotional maturity.
On Friday, July 7th we will be hosting our first “Seek First” Worship Night. This will be a night centered around the presence of God as we seek His face together through song, prayer, and spiritual gifts.
Every Tuesday and Thursday morning during the months of June and July from 7am-7:30am we will gather at the Ministry Center (Directions) for guided communal prayer. There is no need to register, just come and join us!