Community Groups

Following Jesus Together.

We desire to cultivate community at Citizens. But, you can find friendships at your local gym, neighborhood association, or pub. We want to see communities of disciples transformed by Jesus. Disciple simply means a follower. All of us are being formed by something and our communities want to be formed into the image of Jesus by following his ways together.

You were not made to live life on your own, nor is the invitation to “find community”. Jesus calls all of us to cultivate an intentionally intrusive, Jesus-centered, grace-filled community who laughs together, cries together, prays together, and is striving to practice the way of Jesus together.


Our groups are formed around geography to facilitate consistent interaction throughout the week. At Citizens we have a combination of co-ed, single-gender, morning and evening groups. Though diverse in their makeup and schedules, each group organizes its shared life around three essential practices.

Eating Together: Gathering to eat, talk, laugh, and play.

Practicing Together: Discussing and applying God’s Word into our lives.

Praying Together: Confessing sin and praying for those in need.


To join a Community Group, attend The Citizens Weekender. The Weekender is our on-ramp to community and connection at Citizens. You’ll learn about beliefs, membership, serving teams and, of course, groups.

We offer several Weekenders throughout the year as a space for new visitors to dialogue with our leaders and take the next step of participation in our church family. Attending a Weekender does not mean you must become a member; it’s simply the best way to learn more about how we practice following Jesus together.

The next Weekender will be held on Saturday, May 3rd, 2025. You can sign up at the link below.