Thank you for considering giving to support the mission of Citizens Church in Charlotte, NC. As a brand new church, we are reliant on the sacrifice and generosity of others outside of Charlotte to help fund and fuel our mission. We're grateful for your partnership as we invite more people in to experience the goodness of Jesus through his people.
As a registered 501(c)3 non-profit, all giving to Citizens Church is tax-deductible.
You can give to the mission of Citizens Church in one of two ways:
Give Online
You can choose to set up recurring giving or give a one time donation.
Give by Mail
Giving can also be done through the mail by sending a check made out to “Citizens Charlotte” to the following address:
Citizens Church Charlotte
P.O. Box 18793
Charlotte, NC 28218
If you have any questions about budget, finances, or giving, email Tim Olson.
What Your Giving Supports
Church Planting
We believe that the New Testament pattern of church planting is the primary strategy by which the gospel of Jesus goes forward and the kingdom of God is proclaimed. A portion of every dollar you give goes to support church plants in places like Germany, San Francisco, Birmingham, and others.
Church + City Needs
As a New Testament community, we aim to care for each other in the tangible things of life. When a need comes up in our church, your giving helps us meet it immediately.
Your giving also enables us to love the city of Charlotte in a tangible way. We support ministries here in the city that are caring for the most vulnerable in our city.
Staff + Ministry
Your giving enables us to continue our gospel presence right here in the heart of the city by paying for the needs of our rental facility and church ministries, as well as paying for the salaries of our staff members who have committed to ministering here in Charlotte!