
Fasting & Feasting

Remembering God’s goodness through partaking or abstaining


We are embodied creatures. We worship God and we love God in and with our bodies. How we think about, what we do with, how we dwell in our bodies matter. We are not simply spirits floating around in ethereal forms. We have physical bodies. And these physical bodies play a dramatic and important role in our lives with God. What we do with our bodies demonstrate in real, visible ways who we were created to be: people who love God and love others.

This is why fasting and feasting matter as spiritual practices. They help bring to the forefront the reality that our walk with Jesus is a matter of the physical and tangible stuff of life. They help us connect our hearts and souls to our bodies and help us live a bodily, grounded spiritual life with Christ.


Practice Guide

Below you will find a practical guide to help you engage with God through fasting and feasting. This guide can be worked through as an individual, couple, family, or Community Group.


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