In the words of JI Packer, “It is not too much to say that God made us to pray, that prayer is (not the easiest, but) the most natural activity in which we ever engage, and that prayer is the measure of us all in God’s sight.”
There is no greater mystery or greater need in the Christian life than to learn to pray.
The disciples followed Jesus around for years. They watched him perform miracles, heal the sick, raise the dead, and preach in front of thousands. But they only made one request of their teacher in regards to learning.
They did not ask - “Lord, teach us to preach” or “teach us to heal” or even “teach to raise the dead.” They asked – “Lord, teach us to pray.” When asked, Jesus responded with the most famous prayer in history, the Lord’s Prayer. A guide for us as we journey into the practice of prayer together.
Praying, like singing, is something you learn to do by actually doing it, so in this series we step into the practice of prayer together.
Week 1 - Our Father in Heaven
Week 2 - Hallowed be Your Name
Week 3 - Your Kingdom Come
Week 4 - Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Week 5 - Forgive Us Our Debts
Week 6 - Deliver Us from Evil
In addition to the Sunday sermons, we have also written a 40-day prayer guide as we journey through the practice of prayer together. For a pdf copy of the guide, click the link below.
Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools — Tyler Staton
A Praying Life — Paul Miller
How to Pray - Pete Greig
Praying the Lord’s Prayer - JI Packer