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We live in a time of hurry. We have instant coffee, order ahead fast food, 24/7 access to work and people on our phones, and so much more. The speed of our culture - our common inability to shut down, to stop, or to cease - is having drastic consequences on us mentally, emotionally, physically, relationally, and spiritually.

And yet the way of Jesus, the fruit of the Spirit, is patience. This is evident in the life and stories of Jesus. Jesus lived a patient life. But even in His patience, Jesus was embodying what has always been true about God. God is patient, and in His patience God creates time and space for redemption, repentance, and restoration.

We are called to see the patience of God and then work to cultivate the fruit of patience in our lives.


Practice Guide

Below you will find a practical guide to help you cultivate the fruit of patience in your life as you seek to become like Jesus. This guide can be worked through as an individual, couple, family, or Community Group.


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