Ruth: The Faithfulness of God

Stories have the power to move us. They have the ability to affect us like facts and bullet points can’t. A good story doesn’t leave us where it found us without profound impact on our intellects, wills, and emotions. That is especially true of Biblical stories.

Over the next four weeks we will journey into the true story of Ruth. Ruth is a story with ups and downs, conflict and loss, joy and laughter. There are compelling characters who we are meant to learn from both in good and bad.

The story of Ruth is beautiful. As one scholar in church history said, “no poet in the world has written a more beautiful short story than Ruth.”

And it’s in this story where we are faced with a question we must all ask in our lives at one point or another → Will we entrust ourselves to a sovereign and faithful God?

Will we entrust ourselves to God? Who moves in mysterious ways, who works wonders, who knows all things and holds all things together? Who works all things for His glory and the good of those who love Him. Will we place our lives in His hands, or will we take control and try to be our own gods and kings?

We will explore the book of Ruth one chapter at a time, seeing the ups and downs, highs and lows - asking what it is that God has for us in the midst of this story of real people, in a real time, facing real sin and suffering, and trusting in a real God.


Below you’ll find teachings from this series in chronological order.

Week 1: Trusting God When We Suffer (Ruth 1)

Week 2: Trusting God When We Prosper (Ruth 2)

Week 3: Trusting God in the Middle (Ruth 3)

Week 4: Trusting God to Save Us (Ruth 4)

sermon midweek podcast

Citizens Midweek is a podcast where we take a deeper look at each week’s sermon. Check it out at the link below:

supplemental resources

further reading