
Sabbath Rest

Slowing down to create space for resting in God and His grace.


The Sabbath is a 24-hour period of rest and refraining from work commanded by God in His Word (Exodus 20:8-11). It is a reminder to us, as finite creatures, that we are not called to hold everything together or keep the earth spinning. That is God’s business. We are limited. The Sabbath is a reminder, but also a celebration, that we are not God.

The Sabbath starts with God. God calls us to a state of peace so we may experience Him. Sabbath, he calls it. Rest is the culmination of all His creative work. It’s the natural celebration of completion that God Himself modeled for us (Genesis 2:2-3). 

The Sabbath is about rest. We long to be whole and complete, both individually and communally. We want to experience deep connection with God and others, as well as a break from the challenges of life. When we don’t get the rest we need, the rest we were created for, we become depressed, frustrated, quarrelsome, discontent and isolated. We pull away from God, from our community, from our family and friends. 
God has more for us. He wants more for us. He has richness and life and purpose at hand, ready to pour out on us. And all he wants you to do to experience it is...nothing. He is calling us into his rest, so we can lay down our work for a day and enjoy Him.


Practice Guide

Below you will find a practical guide to help you engage with God through sabbath. This guide can be worked through as an individual, couple, family, or Community Group.


Rhythms & Formation - Week 2


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*Coming Soon*

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