FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Kindness in a Time of Bitterness | 09.19.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Luke 6 and talk about how Jesus calls us to show radical mercy to one another when we, as sinners, inevitably wrong each other.
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Patience in a Time of Hurry | 09.12.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Ephesians 33 and 34, reflecting on how God models patience for us through his abounding mercy and steadfast love.
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Peace in a Time of Anxiety | 09.05.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Mark 4 and talk about how anxiety forgets the character and goodness of God, and how Jesus provides a peace that reminds us that He is in control.
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Joy in a Time of Despair | 08.29.21
In this week’s sermon we look at how John 16 and talk about how hopeful joy is far better than despairing cynicism or naive optimism.
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Love in a Time of Selfishness | 08.22.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Luke 10 and talk about what the call to love your enemy means for followers of Jesus.
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | The Spirit in a Time of the Flesh | 08.15.21
In this week’s sermon we start a new series and look at how Galatians 5 outlines the fruit that the Spirit produces in the lives of those who follow Jesus.
WORK | You Need a Mission | 08.01.21
In this week’s sermon we look at 2 Corinthians 5 and talk about how the joy of knowing the Gospel equips us to live on mission in our communities and in our workplaces.
WORK | You Need a Meaning for Your Frustrations | 07.25.21
In this week’s sermon we look at James 1 and talk about finding joy in our trials and applying godly wisdom when work brings frustration.
WORK | You Need Your Work | 07.18.21
In this week’s sermon we look at 2 Thessalonians 3 and talk about how idleness corrupts our mission as followers of Jesus.
WORK | You Need an Identity | 07.11.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Matthew 6 and talk about how Jesus provides in ways our work cannot, and gives us an identity far better than what we do for a living.