In this week’s sermon we look at Ruth 4 and talk about how God’s plan to redeem Ruth and Naomi is connected to His plan to redeem us.
Midweek Podcast | A Tale of Two Pentacosts | Ruth 3 Deeper Look
RUTH | Trusting God in the Middle - Ruth 3 | 11.14.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Ruth 3 and talk about trusting God when we’re waiting in the “middle,” instead of using sinful means to get what we desire.
Midweek Podcast | Coincidence and the Sovereignty of God | Ruth 2 Deeper Look
RUTH | Trusting God When We Prosper - Ruth 2 | 11.7.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Ruth 2 and talk about practicing gratitude and humility in the midst of plenty, remembering that everything we have comes from God.
Midweek Podcast | What About Orpah? | Ruth 1 Deeper Look
RUTH | Trusting God When We Suffer - Ruth 1 | 10.31.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Ruth 1 and talk about trusting God’s kindness and faithfulness in the midst of suffering and resisting bitterness.
Stand Alone | The Hospitality of Jesus | 10.24.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Luke 19 and talk about how Christlike hospitality seeks out the stranger and offers friendship, love and belonging.
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Self-Control in a Time of Self-Fulfillment | 10.17.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Matthew 16 and talk about how true control of our lives is achieved by submitting to and following Jesus.
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Gentleness in a Time of Roughness | 10.10.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Matthew 11 and John 2 and talk about how the gentleness that Jesus models is neither harsh nor passive but perfectly just and loving.
Midweek Podcast | Temptation in the Wilderness
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Faithfulness in a Time of Compromise | 10.04.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Luke 4 and talk about the temptation to compromise biblical truths for the sake of acceptance or comfort, and how Jesus models faithfulness in the midst of immense trials.
Midweek Podcast | Do Not Grow Weary
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Goodness in a Time of Brokenness | 09.26.21
In this week’s sermon we look at John 5 and talk about the redemptive goodness of Jesus and how we carry that goodness into our communities.
Midweek Podcast | Fake Nice vs Loyal Love
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Kindness in a Time of Bitterness | 09.19.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Luke 6 and talk about how Jesus calls us to show radical mercy to one another when we, as sinners, inevitably wrong each other.
Midweek Podcast | God and Kairos
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Patience in a Time of Hurry | 09.12.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Ephesians 33 and 34, reflecting on how God models patience for us through his abounding mercy and steadfast love.
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT | Peace in a Time of Anxiety | 09.05.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Mark 4 and talk about how anxiety forgets the character and goodness of God, and how Jesus provides a peace that reminds us that He is in control.