In this Good Friday sermon we look at Romans 5 and talk about how the death of Jesus changed history and why it’s cause for celebration.
THE STORY OF GOD | Fall | 04.10.22
In this week’s sermon we look at Genesis 3 and talk about the arrival and effects of sin in our lives and in the world.
THE STORY OF GOD | Creation | 04.03.22
In this week’s sermon we look at Genesis 1 and 2, reflecting on the beautiful, lovingly designed creation at the beginning of God’s story.
JAMES | Faith That Prays | 03.27.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 5:13-20 and talk about the power of prayer for those who are suffering, those who are rejoicing, and those who need healing.
JAMES | Faith That Suffers Patiently | 03.20.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 5:7-11 and talk about how to keep sight of the promises and character of God in the midst of suffering.
JAMES | Faith That Is Generous | 03.13.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 5:1-6 and talk about trusting God to provide for us as we use our money to glorify Him.
JAMES | Faith That Plans | 03.06.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 4:13-17 and talk about making plans with an open hand while trusting the goodness of God.
JAMES | Faith That Submits | 02.27.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 4:1-10 and talk about the peace and joy that comes from humbly submitting to God.
JAMES | Faith That Is Wise | 02.20.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 3:13-18 and talk about the difference between Godly wisdom and earthly wisdom.
JAMES | Faith That Speaks | 02.13.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 3 & 4 and talk about the power our words can have as we learn to live like Jesus.
JAMES | Faith That Works | 02.06.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 2:14-26 and talk about how to miss the importance of both faith and works is to miss the Gospel of Jesus entirely.
JAMES | Faith That Welcomes | 01.30.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 1:27-2:13 and talk about how to set our comfort and preferences aside, seeking to love people from all walks of life as Jesus loves us.
JAMES | Faith That Obeys | 01.23.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 1:19-27 and talk about how to be doers, not just hearers, of what Jesus has to say.
JAMES | Faith That Matures Through Trials | 01.09.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 1:1-18 and talk about how to weather trials in light of what Jesus has done.
Vision 2022 | Following Jesus Together with Grit | 01.02.22
In this week’s sermon we look at Galatians 6 and talk about how Citizens Church will seek to be shaped by Jesus in the new year.
ADVENT 2021 | Everlasting Father | 12.19.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Luke 15 and talk about how Christmas reminds us that everything given to Jesus has also been given to us.
ADVENT 2021 | Prince of Peace | 12.12.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Isaiah 9 and talk about how Jesus is actively bringing the peace we long for every day.
ADVENT 2021 | Mighty God | 12.05.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Isaiah 9 and Romans 8, and talk about how Jesus promises restoration in a world full of decay.
ADVENT | Wonderful Counselor | 11.28.21
In this week’s sermon we look at Isaiah 9 and Hebrews 4, and talk about how Jesus is the perfect source of hope for us in times of temptation and suffering.