EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY CHURCH | "Emotional Health?" | 05.22.22
In this sermon we look at Matthew 26 and Romans 12, and talk about how spiritual maturity and emotional maturity go hand in hand.
GREATEST HITS | Job 38:1-7 | 05.15.22
In this sermon we look at Job 38 and talk about how good it is that God is infinitely greater than us yet still invites us into relationship with Him.
GREATEST HITS | Hosea 3 | 05.08.22
In this sermon we look at Hosea 3 and talk about what it means to be loved by God.
GREATEST HITS | John 4:1-30 | 05.01.22
In this sermon we look at John 4 and talk about the shame that keeps us from believing the gospel of Jesus can be true for us.
GREATEST HITS | John 3:1-15 | 04.24.22
In this sermon we look at John 3 and talk about the heart level barriers that get in the way of accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ.
THE STORY OF GOD | Consummation | 04.17.22
In this Easter sermon we look at Revelation 21 and talk about the resurrection of Jesus and his promise to set everything right for eternity.
THE STORY OF GOD | Redemption | 04.15.22
In this Good Friday sermon we look at Romans 5 and talk about how the death of Jesus changed history and why it’s cause for celebration.
THE STORY OF GOD | Fall | 04.10.22
In this week’s sermon we look at Genesis 3 and talk about the arrival and effects of sin in our lives and in the world.
THE STORY OF GOD | Creation | 04.03.22
In this week’s sermon we look at Genesis 1 and 2, reflecting on the beautiful, lovingly designed creation at the beginning of God’s story.
JAMES | Faith That Prays | 03.27.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 5:13-20 and talk about the power of prayer for those who are suffering, those who are rejoicing, and those who need healing.
JAMES | Faith That Suffers Patiently | 03.20.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 5:7-11 and talk about how to keep sight of the promises and character of God in the midst of suffering.
JAMES | Faith That Is Generous | 03.13.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 5:1-6 and talk about trusting God to provide for us as we use our money to glorify Him.
JAMES | Faith That Plans | 03.06.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 4:13-17 and talk about making plans with an open hand while trusting the goodness of God.
JAMES | Faith That Submits | 02.27.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 4:1-10 and talk about the peace and joy that comes from humbly submitting to God.
JAMES | Faith That Is Wise | 02.20.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 3:13-18 and talk about the difference between Godly wisdom and earthly wisdom.
JAMES | Faith That Speaks | 02.13.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 3 & 4 and talk about the power our words can have as we learn to live like Jesus.
JAMES | Faith That Works | 02.06.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 2:14-26 and talk about how to miss the importance of both faith and works is to miss the Gospel of Jesus entirely.
JAMES | Faith That Welcomes | 01.30.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 1:27-2:13 and talk about how to set our comfort and preferences aside, seeking to love people from all walks of life as Jesus loves us.
JAMES | Faith That Obeys | 01.23.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 1:19-27 and talk about how to be doers, not just hearers, of what Jesus has to say.
JAMES | Faith That Matures Through Trials | 01.09.22
In this week’s sermon we look at James 1:1-18 and talk about how to weather trials in light of what Jesus has done.