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When Paul includes “love” as the first part of the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5, he is not simply talking about feelings or ideas of love. He is talking about the real practical proof of love as seen in the way we care for, provide for, help, encourage, and support those in need, even when it comes at a cost to us. As Christopher J.H. Wright says, “Love in action, in other words. Love that dissolves divisions. Love that brings together people who would otherwise hate, hurt, and even kill one another.”

Love is crucial to our life with God and becoming like Jesus. Jesus Himself tells us that other people will know we are His followers, not by our theological pedigree or our Bible trivia knowledge, but by our love (John 13:35). Wright continues, “How do you know if a believer, or a church, is alive? Look for the love. Where there is love, there is life. When Christians truly put love into practice, it is evidence, assurance, that the life of God is present among them and in them. But when we don’t put love into practice, when we fight and squabble, divide and denounce each other...what does it say about us? If there’s no love, says John, we have not come to life at all; we “remain in death.”

So what do we do? We go back to the source of love (God) and the greatest act of love (Christ’s life, death, and resurrection) and let them fuel us in love towards one another.


Practice Guide

Below you will find a practical guide to help you cultivate the fruit of love in your life as you seek to become like Jesus. This guide can be worked through as an individual, couple, family, or Community Group.


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